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The History of Hungarian Scout Troop #49,
Árpádházi Boldog Erzsébet

In 1968 troop 8's membership consisted of both male and female scouts. In 1968, the females formed their own troop, troop 49, named after árpádházi Boldog Erzsébet, daughter of King Andrew III of Hungary.
The troop had a rough start due to many changes in leardership. However, in 1971, Ágnes Maticza took over and the troop began to flourish. All camps are held together with troop 8 while larger ones are with the other Hungarian California troops.

The Scoutmasters of Troop 49

Gregónía Gerencsér....1968-1969
Borbála Nagy..........1970-1971
Ágnes Maticza.........1971-1977
Máría Toth............1977-1984
Andrea Grek...........1984-1989
Emõke Csipke..........1989-1995
Roxanne Samay.........1995-1997
Emõke Csipke..........1997-1999
Erzsébet Tractenberg..1999-

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