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Archive Pictures: Los Angeles Scout Benefit Ball 2000

Annette, thanks for the pix!

2000_la_bal/givewine.gifTzanna and Zoltan give the canteen of wine to Paul who was the guest of honor.
2000_la_bal/LaBal005Elso.gifThis year's debutantes.
2000_la_bal/LaBal008MTA.gifMichelle and Annette with Tom Juhasz.
2000_la_bal/LaBal013MK.gifMichelle and Krisztian during the opening dance.
2000_la_bal/LaBal016.gifDuring the dance.
2000_la_bal/LaBal018.gifStill doing the opening dance.
2000_la_bal/dance1.gifI'm short on comments here.
2000_la_bal/dance2.gifThe heads on the bottom left belong to Tom and Arpad respectively.
2000_la_bal/dancing_imola.gifImola dances with her father.
2000_la_bal/LaBal006Fam.gifThree Hallorans, two Raczs, and an Eva and a Charlotte.
2000_la_bal/LaBal015.gifThe twins with Arpad.
2000_la_bal/LaBal021EviAni.gifPrior to the opening dance, Annette's corsage is adjusted by Evi, who taught the opening dance this year.
2000_la_bal/LaBal022CharA.gifCharlotte and Annette sometime during the bal.
2000_la_bal/MisiAni1.gifMichelle and Annette posing for pictures.
2000_la_bal/MisiEriAni.gifMichelle, Erika and Annette: The Halloran Sisters.
2000_la_bal/MisiEriAni1.gifA close-up!
2000_la_bal/LaBal012Group.gifA group of people comprised of LA & SF scouts.
2000_la_bal/group_shot.gifFrom a different angle.
2000_la_bal/t&z.gifZoltan says he likes dancing with Tzanna since she makes it look like he actually knows what he's doing.
2000_la_bal/zs&t.gifZsuzsa in the doorway, Tom sitting down.
2000_la_bal/dancing_dani.gifDani with who I'll assume is Annette.
2000_la_bal/d_j_e.gifDavid, Jenn, and Erika. Debutantes from previous years.
2000_la_bal/underwear.gifApparently Chris wasn't informed that underwear models don't actually wear the underwear on their heads.

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