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Tom's Pictures From Sequoia 98

These are Tom's pictures from the Summer 1998 Sequoia Camp.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or would like to contribute more images (digital or paper format), please send an e-mail to:

3kids.gifThree delinquents stand in a line.
at_lunch.gif"The person in the bushes has yet to learn "How not to be seen."
big_tree.gifZoltan displays his very "stylish" shirt in front of the General Grant Tree.
bike.gifTom attempts to hide the less than legally parked truck.
cargirls.gifCan you find the pen?
creek.gifA bunch of people cross a creek. Incidentally, Andrea did not fall into this one.
deer.gifUnlike Zoltan, Tom actually took a good picture of the deer.
dorrra.gifDora after a sudden growth spurt of about 50 feet or so.
tom_s.gifThis picture must have been taken prior to the hike, Tom S. is way too clean.
final.gifMackó got sick of the group pictures and decided to leave.
hikers.gifTom S. wasted no time on having his sleeping bag unravel and fall off.
kc9812.gifAndrea is having an orange.
loggers.gifAsk yourself, "can everyone fit on this log?"
pizza.gifThe Pizza Hut in Visalia, where all the locals hang out on saturday night. The people pictured however, are not the locals.
s-team.gifThe Schäffer family.
sunny.gifBy this time, the person in the bush had learned how not to be seen.
treezzz.gifIt's official, the record for sitting the most poeple on a guard-rail has been broken.
whatwhat.gifAndrea packs away her tent.

If you would like to see our other pictures please go to the Archived Pictures Page.

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